The Men’s Health Education Rural Van

Saving Men’s Lives Across Rural Australia

Blokes Health Checks Do Matter” and mherv is on the road with a comprehensive tour of rural and Regional NSW.

Since 2017 mherv has been out in the backblocks of NSW on two scheduled tours per year seeking out the menfolk who haven’t seen the inside of a doctor’s rooms for years. These are the blokes who drop dead in a paddock, because nobody saw it coming.


Australian men die of preventable diseases each year


Have been tested by the mherv project since 2017


Were found to be in need of treatment


Were in immediate danger of a stroke or heart attack

The Men’s Health Van That Can

The Men’s Health Education Rural Van is a regional project made possible by fundraising, generous sponsorship and time freely given by hundreds of Rotary Volunteers.

A custom built caravan with a dedicated Registered Nurse travels the state of New South Wales offering free health screenings to regional and rural men, who are notorious for being completely in the dark about the state of their health.

10 Minutes In The mherv Van Is All It Takes

For most, there is no culture to see their doctor for a regular check-up. Indeed it could be said that many men are afraid to do so in case they are told something they wouldn’t like to hear.

Consequently, conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar which have little or no apparent symptoms, can build up and lead to sudden unexpected death or long-term incapacity.

Tests may show no reason for concern, or at the other end of the scale it may be recommended that immediate medical attention be sought for treatment that would bring the condition under control… probably saving a life!

Mherv Blood Sugar Test

Blood Sugar Test

Blood Pressure Check

Blood Pressure Check

Mherv Blood Sugar Test

Cholesterol Test

Blood Pressure Check

Health Report

For most, there is no culture to see their doctor for a regular check-up. Indeed it could be said that many men are afraid to do so in case they are told something they wouldn’t like to hear.

Consequently, conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar which have little or no apparent symptoms, can build up and lead to sudden unexpected death or long-term incapacity.

Tests may show no reason for concern, or at the other end of the scale it may be recommended that immediate medical attention be sought for treatment that would bring the condition under control… probably saving a life!

When and Where

Our Valued Friends and Sponsors

Rotary Clubs Across Australia

Electrodry Professional Home Services

Several Hotels & Motels Across NSW

Support The Men’s Health
Education Van Initiative


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