Unfortunately, the Covid 19 crisIs has had a severe impact on our operations.
Because of ongoing restrictions, we are unable to go anywhere at the moment.
But, we’re consolidating our organisation and we’ll be back on the road as soon as we can, bigger and better than before!
Who Is mherv!?
For most, there is no culture to see their doctor for a regular check-up, indeed it could be said that many men are afraid to do so in case they are told something they wouldn’t like to hear… Consequently conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and high blood sugar which have little or no apparent symptoms, can build up and lead to sudden unexpected death or long term incapacity. Ten minutes spent in the mherv van can only bring good news… Either the tests show no reason for concern or at the other end of the scale it may be recommended that immediate medical attention be sought for treatment that would bring the condition under control… probably saving a life!
Thank You To Our Sponsors

RFBI …a not-for-profit benevolent organisation with aged care facilities throughout NSW. They also offer quality Community Home Care.

Electrodry Carpet dry cleaning.

Many hotels and motels along the way who provide accommodation and meals.

And the many Rotary Clubs who organise everything in the towns and centres on the tour.